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Our Origins

How We Got Here

Determined to help others with their wish to make a difference to the environmental crisis we're living with, and frustrated by the over-use of packaging and single-use plastics, the idea of day zero was born.

If we didn't have the shop nearby that we desparately wanted to use, we'd just have to create it ourselves.


we (Mark and Holly) both have a background in conservation, and we've made lots of little changes in the way we live, so that we tread a little lighter on the planet. We recognise that bringing people together behind a cause can realise significant change and see that so many people want to do things differently.


We really want to engage everyone in taking little steps; steps which on their own do matter, but cumulatively as a community make a big difference.


Day Zero is about you, our community,  more that it's about us. We want Day Zero to be the shop you want to use time and time again, and your feedback helps us to adapt and change where possible.



how does it work?

Re-use is what this way of shopping is all about. You probably already have all you need at home.


Bring along your empty packets, jars, bags, containers, whatever you want to use in fact (and yes, plastic is fine).


Weigh your empty containers and make a note of the weight of each.


Fill your containers, taking as much or as little as you'd like (there's no minimum). If you want to check, pop your container back on the scales and add more until you have the amount you want.


Bring your haul to the counter, tell us the starting weight of each container, and we'll re-weigh them. the price for each item is calculated by the till..


leave with a warm glow, knowing that you've generated no single use waste.


Repeat !


We do sell recycled glass jars and bottles, drawstring bags and as a last resort, compostable recycled brown paper bags,


everything we sell through this system is priced by weight with the price clearly displayed.




day zero is a family run "refill" shop, in buxton, derbyshire.

We offer packaging-free shopping that's really affordable.

The shop is here to help you make a difference, to be a part of the growing community who want to reduce waste and its impact on the environment.

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